Sites Microsoft

Cumulative Update #14 for SQL Server 2022 RTM

Publié le 24 juillet 2024 sur MS Tech Community

The 14th cumulative update release for SQL Server 2022 RTM is now available for download at the Microsoft Downloads site. Please note that registration is no longer required to download Cumulative updates. To learn more about the release or servicing m …

101 of Troubleshooting SQL Server on Linux

Publié le 19 juillet 2024 sur SQL Server Support Blog

Based on our extensive experience with customers using SQL on Linux, we have compiled a guide outlining fundamental troubleshooting steps and available tools to assist in resolving SQL on Linux issues. This guide aims to make it easier for SQL DBAs who …

Effectively troubleshoot latency in SQL Server Transactional replication: Part 2

Publié le 17 juillet 2024 sur SQL Server Support Blog

Let us continue our troubleshooting by checking threads in this part. Step 4.1. Troubleshoot latency in Log Reader agent’s reader thread Firstly, define the level of reader thread latency by running below query in Publisher server.sp_replcounters GO​ T …

Effectively troubleshoot latency in SQL Server Transactional replication: Part 1

Publié le 17 juillet 2024 sur SQL Server Support Blog

High level transactional replication architecture The initial stage of transactional replication is initializing the subscriber. Although this can be done via backup, the typical approach generating a snapshot by the Snapshot Agent and storing it in th …

SQL Server 2022 分散型可用性グループにおける同期失敗

Publié le 11 juillet 2024 sur SQL Server Support Blog

こんにちは。SQL Server サポート チームです。   今回は、分散型可用性グループにおける同期が突然失敗する事象についてご紹介します。   事象 SQL Server 2022 で分散型可用性グループを構成し FILESTREAM を使用している環境において、正常に稼働していた分散型可用性グループが突如同期に失敗し、同期の状態が NOT_HEALTHY になります。   <事象発生構成> ・SQL Server 2022 ・分散型可用性グループ ・F …

Security Update for SQL Server 2016 SP3 Azure Connect Feature Pack

Publié le 10 juillet 2024 sur MS Tech Community

The Security Update for SQL Server 2016 SP3 Azure Connect Feature Pack is now available for download at the Microsoft Download Center and Microsoft Update Catalog sites. This package cumulatively includes all previous SQL Server 2016 SP3 …

Security Update for SQL Server 2019 RTM CU27

Publié le 10 juillet 2024 sur MS Tech Community

The Security Update for SQL Server 2019 RTM CU27 is now available for download at the Microsoft Download Center and Microsoft Update Catalog sites. This package cumulatively includes all previous security fixes for SQL Server 2019 RTM CU27, plus it inc …

Security Update for SQL Server 2022 RTM CU13

Publié le 10 juillet 2024 sur MS Tech Community

The Security Update for SQL Server 2022 RTM CU13 is now available for download at the Microsoft Download Center and Microsoft Update Catalog sites. This package cumulatively includes all previous security fixes for SQL Server 2022 RTM CU13, plus it inc …

Update: Security hotfix released for OLE DB driver for SQL Server

Publié le 9 juillet 2024 sur MS Tech Community

We’ve released hotfix packages for the following drivers to address an important security issue:   Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (version 18.7.4 release notes / download) Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server (version 19.3.5 …

Announcing SSMS 20.2 … and getting feedback for SSMS 21

Publié le 9 juillet 2024 sur MS Tech Community

Hey SQL Tools fans!  We’re halfway through 2024 and due to a confluence of events we have a release of SQL Server Management Studio to announce, version SSMS 20.2.   While we’ve been focused on work for SSMS 21, we made time for a few up …

Announcing the retirement of SQL Server Stretch Database

Publié le 3 juillet 2024 sur SQL Server Blog

Ever since Microsoft introduced SQL Server Stretch Database in 2016, our guiding principles for such hybrid data storage solutions have always been affordability, security, and native Azure integration. Customers have indicated that they want to reduce …

Getting started with delivering generative AI capabilities in SQL Server and Azure SQL

Publié le 26 juin 2024 sur SQL Server Blog

AI is transforming everything we do, including how we interact with data. Data is the fuel for AI. Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL is the data platform to power today’s modern applications with security, performance, and availability, but also …

How to perform unattended uninstall for SQL Server Express

Publié le 25 juin 2024 sur SQL Server Support Blog

Recently, I received a question about unattended uninstall for SQL Server Express edition. This article describes how to perform this task.   We need to take in consideration before to proceed    User that performs the process …

Announcing the Availability of adutil for RHEL 9 and Ubuntu 22.04 !

Publié le 25 juin 2024 sur MS Tech Community

We’re thrilled to share that adutil, the Active Directory Utility for SQL Server, is now officially supported on RHEL 9 and Ubuntu 22.04. If you’ve been waiting for this, your patience has paid off! Let’s dive into the details. …

Azure Arc enabled SQL Server – determine your Azure SQL target with ease and confidence

Publié le 17 juin 2024 sur MS Tech Community

Azure Arc enabled SQL Server enables you to manage, secure and govern your SQL Server estate from Azure. At the same time, it also enables you to streamline your Azure migration and modernization journey.  Azure SQL migration assessment runs conti …

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