Sites anglophones

Cloud Computing Basics – Achieving High Availability

Publié le 28 mars 2022 sur

Introduction High availability simply means that the service you are delivering to your customers is “up” most of the time. Availability is measured as a percentage of uptime versus downtime. Most attempts at achieving high availability fro …

DevOps 101: Getting buy-in across your organization

Publié le 28 mars 2022 sur

The post DevOps 101: Getting buy-in across your organization appeared first on SQLServerCentral.

Why you don’t just buy tools to make DevOps happen

Publié le 25 mars 2022 sur

The post Why you don’t just buy tools to make DevOps happen appeared first on SQLServerCentral.

The problem with averages

Publié le 25 mars 2022 sur

The post The problem with averages appeared first on SQLServerCentral.

Create a Free Azure Account

Publié le 25 mars 2022 sur

Introduction Azure free account is a great way to start your cloud journey and explore azure services. You will get a $200 Azure credit and popular Azure services free for 30 days. Once you consume $200 in credits or after 30 days trial period over, yo …

[Video] Office Hours: San Diego Office Edition

Publié le 24 mars 2022 sur

I’m back in the US at my home studio in San Diego, so I did a live Office Hours session. Post your questions at and upvote the ones you’d like to see me cover. Here’s what we covered today: 00:00 Introd …

[Video] Office Hours: Ask Me Anything at Sunset on the Balcony

Publié le 23 mars 2022 sur

Ah, sunset – time to kick back on the balcony, watch the ocean, and discuss SQL Server. You post questions at, upvote the ones you’d like to see me answer, and I discuss ’em: 00:00 Introductions 00:30 …

Data and database management in everchanging technology landscape

Publié le 23 mars 2022 sur

Introduction Companies use different flavors of databases today. Companies receive data from business applications and data can first reside in an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) database. Data is then moved to analytical systems where data is sto …

What is Change Management?

Publié le 23 mars 2022 sur

The post What is Change Management? appeared first on SQLServerCentral.

How to get DevOps buy-in across your organization

Publié le 23 mars 2022 sur

The post How to get DevOps buy-in across your organization appeared first on SQLServerCentral.

Wanna Speak at the PASS Summit This Year? Move Fast.

Publié le 22 mars 2022 sur

The PASS Summit is November 15-18 in Seattle this year. This time around, it’s a hybrid conference, with both speakers and attendees in a mix between in-person and remote. I’m really excited to get back to in-person events. I recently atten …

SQLDay Poland Workshop: How I Use the First Responder Kit

Publié le 21 mars 2022 sur

Watch and learnI’m presenting remotely at the upcoming SQLDay Poland on 9-11 May! I’m teaching a one-day workshop, How I Use the First Responder Kit. You’ve downloaded sp_Blitz, sp_BlitzIndex, and sp_BlitzCache from the First Responde …


SQL SERVER – Sample Script for Compressed and Uncompressed Backup

Publié le 21 mars 2022 sur journey to sqlauthority

During Comprehensive Database Performance Health Check, I was recently asked if I have a handy script that can help us take compressed backup and uncompressed backup. Well, of course, I have and here it is. The scripts are very simple. Compressed Backu …


Working with MySQL tables

Publié le 21 mars 2022 sur

The post Working with MySQL tables appeared first on SQLServerCentral.

Import Web pages with Power BI

Publié le 21 mars 2022 sur

Introduction In this article, we will learn how to create charts from web pages with Power BI. Power BI is an extremely great tool to easily generate reports. We will combine and analyze data from different websites, and we will talk about COVID 19 wit …

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