5 Database DevOps Trends Landing on your Shoulders
The post 5 Database DevOps Trends Landing on your Shoulders appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
Bringing SQL Server Data Quality Tools to Your Company
The post Bringing SQL Server Data Quality Tools to Your Company appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
10 Considerations for a Database Migration to AWS RDS
Introduction Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) allows us quickly deploy databases without worrying about underlying infrastructure. These pleasant words that have thrilled the business world and trickled through the industry. AWS, Azure, OCI and …
Learn the Fundamentals of TempDB for Free This Week.
Every weekday during the month of October, one of the modules from my Fundamentals classes will be absolutely free to watch. But you gotta watch it that day – you snooze, you lose. For this week’s TempDB class, you don’t have hands-on …
Assert Transformations in Azure Data Factory
Introduction I was recently working on a data pipeline project where I had to check data quality for the source data stream. Azure Data Factory provides Assert transformation to perform data quality and data validation checks. You can add expressions t …
DevOps 101 Webinar: Key Concepts and Terminologies
The post DevOps 101 Webinar: Key Concepts and Terminologies appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
Raising Exceptions and Error Handling with SQL Server THROW
The post Raising Exceptions and Error Handling with SQL Server THROW appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
The Basics of Updating Data in a SQL Server Table
Entry in Greg Larsen’s series on Learning T-SQL. The series so far: The basic T-SQL Select Statement Ordering a result set in SQL Server The ins and outs of joining tables in SQL Server Summarizing data using GROUP BY and HAVING The Basics of Inserting …
Sign up to PASS Data Community Summit 2022
The post Sign up to PASS Data Community Summit 2022 appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
Let’s Hang Out in Person at the PASS Summit Next Month.
I’m so excited to see everybody again at the PASS Data Community Summit in Seattle on November 14-18. I’M BACK IN PERSON! Here’s the crazy part: I’m not going to attend a single session. Not one. (Well, except the ones I’m …
Join the Redgate pre-con at PASS Data Community Summit
The post Join the Redgate pre-con at PASS Data Community Summit appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
Data Lineage Scripts for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL
Data Lineage is a process of understanding data’s lifecycle, from origin to destination. It tracks where data originates, how it flows through organisation systems and how it changes. Why is data lineage important? The information gained from data line …
The Curious Case of… disconnected AG secondary replica and transaction log out of space issue
(The Curious Case of… used to be part of our bi-weekly newsletter but we decided to make it a regular blog post instead so it can sometimes be more frequent. It covers something interesting one of us encountered when working with a client, doing some t …
Updated First Responder Kit and Consultant Toolkit for October 2022
Summer has turned the corner. Sure, right now the First Responder Kit is wearing its swimsuit, basking in the sun, but already as we speak, the days are getting shorter. It’s only going to be a matter of time before the Pumpkin Spice release of t …
Learn Columnstore Indexes for Free This Week.
Every weekday during the month of October, one of the modules from my Fundamentals classes will be absolutely free to watch. But you gotta watch it that day – you snooze, you lose. For this week’s Fundamentals of Columnstore class, you don …