Let Your Data Do the Talking with PowerPoint Plus Power BI
What is this about This article will be about Power BI and PowerPoint collaborating. Both tools are well-known to anyone, particularly to those who are presenting data, charts and visualizations. Without a doubt, these are powerful tools for communicat …
FOR XML PATH Changed The Way I Think About T-SQL #TSQL2sday
The first time I saw FOR XML PATH being used to generate a comma-delimited list, I think I stared at it, shook my head to clear the cobwebs, stared at it some more, and then closed the code editor thinking it was complete witchcraft. And that same thin …
The GROUP BY Clause
When you’re learning SQL DML, the most complicated clause is typically the GROUP BY. It’s a fairly simple grouping based on values from the FROM clause in a SELECT statement. It’s what a mathematician would call an equivalence relatio …
Influencing Successful Cloud Transformational Change
The post Influencing Successful Cloud Transformational Change appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
Enterprises that adopt Database DevOps save an average of $4.3M per year (Video)
The post Enterprises that adopt Database DevOps save an average of $4.3M per year (Video) appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
Get the Most Current Row From a Detail Table
Task: Update a table with the most current value of a detail table. In this article I’m using the sys.tables / sys.columns tables because they are available everywhere. In reality it would be, e.g. a customer table, where you are setting the last_order …
Simple-Talk RSS Feeds
Recently, we have made a few changes to the simple-talk.com website’s RSS feeds that I am pretty excited about. If you don’t know what RSS feeds are, they are links that let you pull down content from a website not the formatted view you ty …
Creating an Azure SQL Database Using Azure Cloud Shell
Introduction Azure Cloud Shell is a browser-based tool that allows the creation, configuration, and management of Azure resources using a shell. Azure Cloud Shell supports Azure PowerShell and Bash Command Line Interfaces. This tool is comparable to ot …
Storing Credentials Securely on a Windows-based Flyway Installation
The post Storing Credentials Securely on a Windows-based Flyway Installation appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
Starter Metadata T-SQL Query Examples for Databases and Tables
The post Starter Metadata T-SQL Query Examples for Databases and Tables appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
When Parameter Tuning is not the Answer
So much about parameters tuning, but does it always help? Welcome to the third and final blog of the “magic of parameters” series. In two previous blogs, we discussed how tuning PostgreSQL parameters could help improve overall system perfor …
[Video] Office Hours: DBA & Developer Relationships
Y’all posted & upvoted questions at https://pollgab.com/room/brento, and we finished up the session talking about the relationships between developers and database administrators. Here’s what we covered: 00:00 Start 02:35 Nortzi: Hi Bre …
[Video] Office Hours: Lots of Good SQL Server Questions
At https://pollgab.com/room/brento, post the questions you’d like to get my opinion on, and I’ll take a break every now and then at the office and go through ’em. Here’s what we covered in this episode: 00:00 Start 01:08 #ARRRRR …
The difference between libraries and frameworks
The post The difference between libraries and frameworks appeared first on SQLServerCentral.
Supervise the use of Microsoft Fabric
Already one month since the official announcement of Microsoft Fabric and his public Preview: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-microsoft-fabric-data-analytics-for-the-era-of-ai/ Since then, I have been supporting customers in their Pr …