Released: Latest Azure VM Marketplace images for SQL Server 2022, 2019 on Linux
Azure Marketplace is an online store that contains thousands of software applications and services built by industry-leading technology companies. In Azure Marketplace you can find, try, buy, and deploy the software and services you need to build new s …
SLES 15 SP4 is now supported for SQL Server 2022 starting Cumulative Update 4
We are pleased to announce the support for SQL Server 2022 on SUSE Enterprise Linux v15 SP4. This support comes into effect starting Cumulative Update 4 of SQL Server 2022. To know more about SQL Server CU4, refer to SQL Server 2022 Cumulative Upd …
SQL Server Agent fails to start on Windows Server 2022 due to Application event log policy setting
Problem A customer recently reported that they tried to build a SQL Server running on Windows Server 2022 but found that the SQL Server Agent failed to start. Below is the error popup when starting the SQL Server Agent in SQL Server Configuratio …
Cumulative Update #4 for SQL Server 2022 RTM
The 4th cumulative update release for SQL Server 2022 RTM is now available for download at the Microsoft Downloads site. Please note that registration is no longer required to download Cumulative updates. To learn more about the release or servicing mo …
go-sqlcmd v1.0 – Create, Connect to, and Query SQL Server
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably used sqlcmd to connect to a SQL Server or Azure SQL Database and query it. Chances are you’ve also used a modern CLI like Azure az or Kubernetes kubectl to create and manage resources. Our open-source sqlcmd comb …
SQL Server Management Studio のインストール手順
こんにちは、 SQL Server サポートです。 今回は、日本語版 SQL Server Management Studio (以降 「SSMS」) のインストール手順をご案内します。 ●手順 1. 以下のURLにアクセスします。 // SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) のダウンロード …

A Technical Journey into API Design-First: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
A Technical Journey into API Design-First: Best Practices and Lessons Learned Introduction As software engineers, we all know that APIs, or application programming interfaces, are essential building blocks for modern applications. From simple CRUD oper …
Released: Multiple Microsoft.Data.SqlClient Updates
We have released multiple updates to supported versions of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient in the last couple of months. Just because it’s been quiet on here doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. Quite the opposite, in fact. Here’s a summary of the Microsoft.Dat …
Early technical preview of JDBC Driver 12.3.0 for SQL Server released
We have released a new early technical preview of the JDBC Driver for SQL Server which contains several additions and changes. Precompiled binaries are available on GitHub and also on Maven Central. Below is a summary of th …
Upgrade SQL Server container with Always On availability groups configured on Kubernetes!
This is a follow-up to my previous blog post I published a while ago titled « Updating SQL Server containers deployed on Kubernetes! » In that blog post, I discussed two approaches that are OnDelete & Rolling options to update your Kubernetes-deploye …

Capitalize on your investments with the new centrally managed Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server
Introducing the new centrally managed Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server.Today, Microsoft is pleased to announce the release of centrally managed Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server, a new Azure portal feature that helps you improve SQL Server license …

Using Ledger in Azure SQL Database
Transactions have to be protected and you need to know when something is altered or prevent altering of records from the start. Ledger, available in Azure SQL Database and SQL Server 2022, helps to protect your database and establish trust, accuracy an …
What is causing the Always On AG issue? Is it cluster, AD, DNS, or SQL?
Do any of these questions sound familiar? – My AG fails to failover – Why did my AG failover? – Why did my AG fail? – My AG is missing! – Why am I seeing stale data on secondary? – What is with the sudden log growth alerts? Yo …
イメージのランダム化を強制する(必須ASLR) に「既定でオンにする」を設定した場合、Express Edition の日本語版のインストーラの起動に失敗します
こんにちは。日本マイクロソフト SQL Server サポートチームです。 事象: イメージのランダム化を強制する(必須ASLR) に「既定でオンにする」を設定した場合、SQL Server 2016 ならびにSQL Server 2019 のExpress Edition の日本語版のインストーラ(SQLEXPR_x64_JPN.exe) の起動に失敗します。 なお、イメージのランダム化を強制する(必須ASLR) の規定値は「既定でオフにする」であり、既定値では発生しません。 また、 …
SQL Server でオフライン バックアップおよびオフライン リストアを行うと問題が出ることがある
こんにちは。日本マイクロソフト SQL Server サポートチームです。 公開ドキュメントとして公開されていた内容を、ブログとして掲載します。 現象Microsoft SQL Server で SQL Server のサービスを停止した状態の場合、データベース ファイルをバックアップしたり (オフライン バックアップ)、ファイルを復元する (オフライン リストア) 操作を実行すると問題が出ることがあります。 回避策オフライン バックアップおよびオフライン …