Released: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 6.0 Preview 1

Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 6.0 Preview 1 has been released. This release contains improvements and updates to the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient data provider for SQL Server.


Our plan is to provide regular GA releases with several preview releases in between. This cadence should provide time for feedback and allow us to deliver features and fixes in a timely manner. This 6.0 preview includes fixes and changes over the 5.2 GA release.


Breaking Changes Removed support for .NET Standard. #2386 Removed UWP (UAP) references. #2483 Added Added TokenCredential object to take advantage of token caching in ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationProvider. #2380 Added DateOnly and TimeOnly support to DataTable as a structured parameter. #2258 Added Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.Diagnostics.SqlClientDiagnostic type in .NET. #2226 Added