SQL 2016 – It Just Runs Faster: -T1117 and -T1118 changes for TEMPDB and user databases

Moved from: bobsql.com


Configuration of TEMPDB is often critical to scalability and throughput of SQL Server applications.  The following link (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2964518) outlines how to configure SQL Server 2014 and 2012 for optimal scalability and performance.


A SQL Server 2016 primary goal was ‘It Just Works.’  Out of the box a customer should not have to engage in such documentation and tuning exercises.  Whenever possible SQL Server should just work and provide the intended scalability and performance outcomes.



One of these changes is TEMPDB always assumes -T1117 and -T1118 behavior.


-T1117 – When growing a data file grow all