Released: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 5.0.1

We have released an update to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, version 5.0.1. The update addresses several issues that are important to our customers.


Updates in Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 5.0.1 include:


Fixed Fixed missing HostNameInCertificate connection string property in .NET Framework. #1782 Fixed async deadlock issue when sending attention fails due to network failure. #1783 Fixed Null Reference Exception on assigning null to SqlConnectionStringBuilder.Encrypt. #1784 Fixed ReadAsync() behavior to register Cancellation token action before streaming results. #1785 Fixed hang on infinite timeout and managed SNI. #1798 Fixed Default UTF8 collation conflict. #1799 Changed Updated Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI (.NET Framework dependency) and Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.runtime (.NET Core/Standard dependency) version to 5.0.1 #1795, which includes the fix for the AppDomain crash in issue #1418.


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